Thursday, January 1, 2015


We've been In Yuma, Arizona for the last four days.  We're staying in the Quechan Paradise Casino parking lot.

Paradise Casino

This is the first time we've used our generators on his trip.
They have great breakfasts for $3.99 and their dinners are really good. 
The first day here, we visited the Yuma Territorial Prison. 

It's a fascinating place with a lot of history.
The Sally Port or entrance to the prison.
The prison cells.  Each cell was 6 by 8 feet and held six prisoners.
The next day, we took a short ride to a date orchard.  We had our first date shake and it was delicious. 

Besides dates, Yuma produces 90% of the nations winter leafy vegetables .  Their farms are very large and perfectly groomed.  They will grow a crop in a matter of weeks and immediately replant
 after harvest. 
In the store where we got our shakes, this was a sign in the restroom.  Where they want you to deposit it,  I'll leave to your imagination. 
An old truck in front of a private driveway in the middle of the farm fields. 
Some friends from my old hometown in northern California rented a house in Yuma for the holiday and we got together with them for New Years. 
We first went to dinner at a local restaurant .  We ate outside under a tent but despite the chilly evening, the heaters made it quite comfortable. 
Then we went back to their house. 


We had a jam session, reminisced,  told stories and laughed for hours until our first New Years celebration.
New Years #1 in Arizona. 
After New Years #1, we went to our RV at the Casino in California and celebrated New Years #2

On New Years Day, we took a short trip to the Town of Felicity
Population 2
It even has it's own Post Office
There we visited The Museum of History in Granite.
There are 416 granite panels. It is still a work in progress. 
We met the creator of this marvel, Jacques-Andre Istel.  He is 86 yeas old and an absolute delight. 
These are just a couple of end panels
Here are two of the 416 panels.
This is a section of the original spiral staircase from the Eifel Tower
The arm of Thor sundial
 Half size replica of the Liberty Bell
Inside of the pyramid is the official center of the earth.
The chapel sits on a hill at the rear of the monument. 
At the end of the day,  there is always happy hour
If it looks like we're cold, we are.  As soon as the sun goes down, it gets a bit nippy.  Normal Yuma temperatures are supposed to be returning by Monday.
When we got back to the parking lot,  this was our neighbor.  I wonder where he was heading. 
Another beautiful sunset!
We'll be going to Mexico tomorrow and then we'll move to a full hookup campground for a day so we can get some laundry done and get ready for Senator Wash. 


  1. I love the photo of the sunset behind the Catholic Church on the hill. Just beautiful! We sure are having fun, even with the cold temps.

  2. Great photo's, great time. Thanks for sharing.
